Everything Divine at Shepherds Dene

Shepherds Dene

I spent some time last week in the company of a lovely group of people at Shepherds Dene in Northumberland. We were all there to explore the thought and teachings of the 13th Century German mystic Meister Eckhart and to spend some time in quiet contemplation.

April Aubretia at Shepherds Dene

Shepherds Dene is the joint retreat centre for Durham and Newcastle Dioceses in the Anglican church and is set amid glorious countryside not far from Hadrian’s Wall. It is a beautiful place that’s comfortable and conducive to prayer and meditation. Oh, and some fine conversations over great food too; we weren’t being THAT silent.

Labyrinth at Shepherds Dene

The retreat was led by Anthony Finnerty from the Eckhart Society and was a good balance between interesting talks and reflection on the teachings.

Sculpture at Shepherds Dene

Curious to find that the late Maurice Walshe who was so well regarded by Theravada Buddhists for his translation of the Digha Nikaya (The Long Discourses of the Buddha) was also the key translator of Meister Eckhart’s complete mystical works into English for the Society. One of the tracts he produced for the Buddhist Publication Society’s Wheel series addresses these joint interests: Buddhism & Christianity: A Positive Approach.

Prayer Room at Shepherds Dene

“People should not worry as much about what they do but rather about what they are. If they and their ways are good, then their deeds are radiant. If you are righteous, then what you do will also be righteous. We should not think that holiness is based on what we do but rather on what we are, for it is not our works which sanctify us but we who sanctify our works.” – Meister Eckhart

Lent Lily

Lent Lily

I’m taking a break from blogging and tweeting for Lent and will be back at the beginning of April. Meanwhile, here’s a bit of topical Housman for the season:

The Lent Lily
by A. E. Housman (1859–1936)

from ‘A Shropshire Lad’ 1896.

’TIS spring; come out to ramble
The hilly brakes around,
For under thorn and bramble
About the hollow ground
The primroses are found.

And there’s the windflower chilly
With all the winds at play,
And there’s the Lenten lily
That has not long to stay
And dies on Easter day.

And since till girls go maying
You find the primrose still,
And find the windflower playing
With every wind at will,
But not the daffodil,

Bring baskets now, and sally
Upon the spring’s array,
And bear from hill and valley
The daffodil away
That dies on Easter day.