Mantric Paradox

meditation by the lake

“The paradox of the mantra is that it does most for us when it appears to be doing least. And what is done for us can never be separated from what is done for those around us – and beyond. The prayer or praise of the heart is a centre of energy – the creative energy of love – which moves into areas of which we can seldom be consciously aware.”   – Robert Llewelyn

Not one shall be excluded


Gregory of Nyssa

“The nature of evil shall, at length, be wholly exterminated, and divine, immortal goodness embrace within itself every rational creature; so that of all who were made by God, not one shall be excluded from his kingdom. All the viciousness, that like a corrupt matter is mingled in things, shall be dissolved and consumed in the furnace of purgatorial fire; and everything that had its origin from God shall be restored to its pristine state of purity.”

– Gregory of Nyssa (332-398 AD)